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kccci seminar 350

台湾侨务委员将于2013年8月26日至9月1日在台北举办上述研习班。课程内容包含国内外mini MBA核心专业课程、“与企业家有约”专题演讲、参访台湾标杆经营企业与经验交流座谈、学员分组成果发表会及参访文化创意产业等。
Taiwan Overseas Chinese Affairs Council (OCAC) will be organising the above entrepreneurship programme on Management from 26th August to 1st September 2013 in Taipei, Taiwan. The programme content includes core courses of mini MBA, special forums, visit to outstanding companies etc.


Participants should be those in middle management, manager, or successor of a company with at least 3 years managerial experience, aged between 25-65 years old and well versed in Mandarin. Only 1 participant from each family or each company will be acceptable.

OCAC will pay for participants’ course fee, meals (except 1st Sep), group transportation fees and insurance. Participants need to pay for their own air ticket, accommodation, and other own expenses.

Please refer to attachments for details and registration form.

Interested members kindly return the duly completed registration form to ACCCIM Secretariat before 24th June 2013 to facilitate arrangement. Submissions without complete information and/ or late submission will not be attended.

Download this file (MC45-13_Form.pdf)MC45-13_Form.pdf[ ]81 Kb
Download this file (MC45-13_Guidelines.pdf)MC45-13_Guidelines.pdf[ ]152 Kb
Download this file (MC45-13_Itinerary.pdf)MC45-13_Itinerary.pdf[ ]91 Kb