巴生中华总商会 筹募建会所基金

kccci seminar

2. 董事会已通过购置与现有会所同排,角楼毗连3个单位,作为新会所。新会所总面积合共约1万8000平方尺,并附带多个停车位。
3. 新会所购置费为420万令吉,加上手续费与装修费,总共须筹募600万令吉的会所基金。新会所底层约有6000平方尺的可租赁空间,日后的租金收入将可增加本会收入,成为日后举办活动的经费来源。
4. 本会吁请会员、企业商家以及各界人士踊跃捐献赞助,以期集腋成裘,早日落实这项购置会所计划,让本会能更有效率为会员商家服务,搭建更好的上情下达,下情上达桥梁,提升企业的竞争力与营商环境。同时,会员商家也能有更舒适的活动空间。
5. 素仰您向来对推动地方经济与社会活动不遗余力,特具函恳请您慷慨解囊,赞助会所基金。随函附上筹募建会所基金表格一份,敬请早日赐复为盼。
您的支持,本会先致以万分谢意。如有任何询问,欢迎来电洽询,秘书处电话:03-3343 8450。
The Klang Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCCI) was founded as a non-profit organization 71 years ago. Due to its increasing memberships and frequency of activities in recent years, its existing premises are no longer adequate. In view of this, the Chamber has decided to acquire a more spacious building to cater for its future development needs.
2. The Chamber’s Council has resolved to acquire three (3) units of shop lots adjacent to the Chamber’s existing premises to house its office. The new building has a total built-up area of approximately 18,000 square feet and a number of parking bays.
3. The purchase price of the new building totals RM4.20 million. This together with the miscellaneous expenses and renovation cost will amount to about RM6.0 million, which is the sum to be raised by the Chamber. The total area of the ground floor of the new building measures some 6,000 square feet which will be leased in future to generate income for the Chamber to be self-sustained and for funding the Chamber’s future activities.
4. The Chamber sincerely appeals to its members, the business community and well-wishers to contribute generously towards its fund raising drive to realise its planned acquisition of the new building. With bigger, and more spacious premises, the Chamber will provide better and more effective services to its members, thereby uplifting their business competitiveness. The new premises will offer a more conducive space for members to conduct their activities.
5. In view of the substantial cost for acquiring the new building and related cost, we sincerely appeal to you to contribute towards our fund raising efforts to achieve our goal for the common benefits of members. We enclose herewith a copy of our Building Fund Contribution Form for your attention. We look forward to your favourable response.
We truly appreciate your support and generosity. Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact our Secretariat at Tel: 03-3343 8450.
Thank you.