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槟州中华总商会 PCCC


Established in 1903, the Penang Chinese Chamber of Commerce (PCCC) was one of the pioneer trade organization founded at the turn of the twentieth century in this region. 

经过漫长岁月,它由初期寂寂无名的组织蜕变成今日马来西亚最活跃的商团之一,并于2003年12月获得国家社团注册局颁发卓越社团奖状。商会也在2006年3月获颁发ISO 9001:2000品质管理系统证书,并较后于2010年3月提升至ISO 9001:2008品质管理系统证书。无论在会员人数,组织及服务功能上均备受官方与私人界的推崇。

It has come a long way since its humble inception and is now one of the strongest commercial institutions in Malaysia in terms of membership and organizational and functional characteristic that is well recognized by both the public and private sectors. In year 2003, the Registrar of Society of Malaysia (ROS) presented the Award Certificate of Excellent Society to the Chamber. It has also been awarded the ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System (QMS) Certificate in March 2006 and upgraded to ISO 9001:2008 QMS in March 2010.

更多讯息 / More Info : http://www.pccc.org.my