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kccci seminar

会长长 :拿督陈杰辉
秘书长 :刘雁红律师    同启
1. 会长拿督陈杰辉致词
2. 推选大会议长
3. 复准第75届会员大会 (2021年9月18日) 大会记录
4. 接纳2021-2022年度会务报告
5. 接纳 2021年度财政报告
6. 讨论事项 
6.1.  讨论会员提案
注一 :会员们如有提案,请于2022年5月20日下午5时正前,提交至本会秘书处,
注二 :巴生中总会在考量新冠肺炎疫情情况及国家安全理事会或社团注册局(如有)
注三  : 本会将于是日中午1时正,设有自助餐招待出席会员大会的会员。
Notice is hereby given that the 2022 Annual General Meeting of Klang Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCCI) will be held at 10 am on 28 May 2022 (Saturday) at KCCCI Auditorium. All members are invited to attend.
Dato’ Jeffery Tan  
Liew Ngan Fung
Secretary General 
11 May 2022
1. Speech by Dato’ Jeffery Tan, President of Klang Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry
2. Election of Assembly Chairman 
3. Confirmation of Minutes of the 75th AGM held on 18 September 2021
4. Adoption of 2021-2022 Annual Activities Report
5. Adoption of the Audited Statement of Accounts for the year ended 31-12-2021
6. Matters Arising 
6.1.Discussion on Prepared Motions submitted by Members
1. Motions of Proposal from members must be submitted to the KCCCI Secretariat before 5pm, 20 May 2022. Motions of Proposal are valid only if endorsed by the proposer who must be present at the AGM.
2. KCCCI reserves the absolute rights to change the mode of conducting the Annual General Meeting (AGM) after having taken into consideration the situation of COVID-19 pandemic and the latest Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) enforced by the National Security Council or Registrar of Societies (if applicable) at the material time.
3. Buffet Lunch is served for members attending the AGM at 1.00 p.m. on 28 May 2022.