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ACCCIM Survey on SME Taxation Issues 2016
It has been one year since Malaysia implemented Goods and Services Tax (GST).  Through this survey, ACCCIM hope to collect taxation issues encountered by SMEs whether these issues effect on cost of doing business in order for ACCCIM to submit to the relevant Government Ministries and Agencies so as to seek measures to resolve these issues. 
A)   线上填写 To fill the questionnaire online
・         中文问卷  Chinese version
・         英文问卷  English version
B)   下载问卷 To download the questionnaire to fill in manually
・         下载中文问卷 Chinese version
・         下载英文问卷  English version
The   closing  date  for  the  survey  is  31st May 2016.   We seek your cooperation to return the duly completed questionnaire to KCCCI Secretariat before closing date to facilitate compilation.  Meanwhile, should you have any enquiries, please contact KCCCI Secretariat at 03-3343 9289.