巴生中总专家咨询组 . KCCCI Experts Advisory Panel
(一) 背景 Background
为了提升商会的服务,巴生中华总商会成立 “巴生中总专家咨询组”,推出一整年的专家咨询服务,结合不同领域的专家顾问给予专业指导,为本会会员商家纾困解难,提高竞争优势,迈向高质量发展。
In an effort to upgrade its services, the Klang Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCCI) has set up the KCCCI Experts Advisory Panel (KEAP) to provide all year round expert advisory service and professional guidance to our member-entrepreneurs by pooling expert advisors from different areas to help them uplift their competitive edge and achieve high quality development.
(二) 目的 Objective
To provide expert advisory services to KCCCI member-entrepreneurs to help upgrade, optimize and transform their business.
(三) 服务时间 Service Duration
日期:01.08.2022 至 31.07.2023 (为期一年)
From 01.08.2022 to 31.07.2023 (One Year)
(四) 咨询领域 Areas of Advisory
1. 人力资源 Human Resource
2. 法律事务 Legal Matters
3. 税务 Taxation
4. 贷款与融资 Loans and Financing
5. 海关关税 Customs and Tariffs
(五) 咨询方式 Mode of Service
1. 欲咨询者可通过书面形式或电话提交问题呈交至巴生中总秘书处,由秘书处转交给专家们解答,并即时给予答复。
Members may submit their queries in writing or by telephone to the KCCCI Secretariat which will forward the queries to the experts for response promptly.
2. 每个月可与专家们进行线上咨询及面对面咨询,唯事先需向秘书处预约,每场咨询时间为三小时。每人15分钟的咨询时间。某些特定领域将以隔周轮流的方式 ,提供咨询服务。
Members may have online and face-to-face advice with participating experts each month subject to prior appointment the KCCCI Secretariat. Each consultation session lasts three hours and each participant shall have a 15-minute slot with the experts. Consultation service can be provided in alternate weeks for specific areas.
3. 巴生中总有权针对当下的状况,修订及调整会诊行程及专家顾问人选的权利。
KCCCI reserves the rights to amend or revise the consultation schedule and/or the choice of experts.
4. 每三个月将会举办一场讲座会,参与此咨询组的会员商家将可免费出席。
A forum will be held in every three months and Members participating in this platform may attend the forum free of charge.
(六) 行政费用 Administration Fee
1. 行政费RM1,500。
Administration fees of RM1,500
(七) 报名日期 Registration Date
From now until 31 July 2023
(八) 条例 Terms and Conditions
1. 仅限巴生中华总商会会员申请。
Applicable to KCCCI Members only.
2. 所有已缴付之费用恕不退还。
All payments made are non-refundable.
(九) 免责声明 Disclaimer
1. KEAP仅提供咨询服务,若是会员商家想与专家有进一步的业务交流,风险则由双方自行承担,巴生中总概不负责。
KEAP only offers advisory services and KCCCI shall not be held liable for any potential risks arising from or in connection with any further business dealings between members-entrepreneurs and participating expert/advisors.
2. 巴生中总有权更改KEAP的经营方式及行政费用等。
KCCCI reserves the rights to modify the mode of operation or administration fees chargeable for the KEAP.
3. 对于网页中涉及的法规与条例及其相关资料说明,不应当被视作为本会立场或其他建议。若当事人利用本会网站上的信息而作出的任何决策及决定,巴生中总不承担任何责任。
Any laws and regulations and information relating to this website shall not be deemed to represent the stand of KCCCI or other advice. KCCCI shall not be held liable for any policy or decisions made by any party by using the information contained in this website.
4. 专家顾问不可泄露任何会员隐私等信息。
The participating expert advisors shall not disclose any personal information of any Members.
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For enquiries, kindly contact KCCCI Secretariat at Tel::03-33439289;email:
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. Thank you.
FAQ - Tax
News Update
No 1. 20231027 - Simplified ESG Disclosure Guide
No 2. 20231027 - SMEs Export Enhancement Programme
No 3. 20231115 - KEAP News Update NO5.pdf
No 4. 20231115 - KEAP News Update NO3 - E-Invoice Guideline v2.1.pdf
No 5. 20231115 - KEAP News Update NO4 - E-Invoice Specific Guideline v1.1.pdf
No 6. 20231115 - KEAP News Update NO6 - PROSEDUR OPERASI STANDARD PELEPASAN KONTENA EKSPOR_231115_091815.pdf