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Back 商会服务 Services 商会服务 产地签证 CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN


kccci service 350

巴生中华总商会是签发原产地证书机构之一。We have pleasure to inform that Klang Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCCI) is one of the Institution that can issued certificate of origin(CO) .

本会受马来西亚政府委任授权签署原产地证书。所签署的证书均得到各国的承认。因此,趁此敬告全体会员及出口商,本会秘书处所提供的原产地证书服务及其营业时间如下 :

We have pleasure to inform that Klang Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCCI) is one of the Institution that can issued certificate of origin(CO) . KCCCI has been authorized by the Government to endorse CO. In view of this , we would like to make known to all members and exporters that we are providing this service at our Secretariat. The office hours of KCCCI's Secretariat are as follows :

星期一 至 星期五 : 上午 8:30时 至 下午 5.30 分
Monday to Friday : 8.30am to 5.30pm

星期六, 星期日及公共假期 : 休息
Saturday, Sunday & Public Holiday-Close

For those who is our CO customer, please resubmit your document for year 2025.

(i) 原产地:马来西亚
Country of Origin : Malaysia
(ii) 出口虾至美国,鱼、鱼制品至非欧盟国附加签证指南 
The export guideline of shrimp to US, fish and fishery products to Non-EU Countries

Attachments (Click for Download / 下载):