巴生中华总商会是签发原产地证书机构之一。We have pleasure to inform that Klang Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCCI) is one of the Institution that can issued certificate of origin(CO) .
本会受马来西亚政府委任授权签署原产地证书。所签署的证书均得到各国的承认。因此,趁此敬告全体会员及出口商,本会秘书处所提供的原产地证书服务及其营业时间如下 :
We have pleasure to inform that Klang Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCCI) is one of the Institution that can issued certificate of origin(CO) . KCCCI has been authorized by the Government to endorse CO. In view of this , we would like to make known to all members and exporters that we are providing this service at our Secretariat. The office hours of KCCCI's Secretariat are as follows :
星期一 至 星期五 : 上午 8:30时 至 下午 5.30 分
Monday to Friday : 8.30am to 5.30pm
星期六, 星期日及公共假期 : 休息
Saturday, Sunday & Public Holiday-Close
* For those who is our CO customer, please resubmit your document for year 2025.
Attachments (Click for Download / 下载):
APPENDIX-7-2025 (Only for Back to Back CO).doc
APPENDIX-8-2025-For Purchase CO Form.doc
C.O.O for Guidelines & Checklist 2025.pdf
MITI - Cost Analysis Sample.pdf
Sample of Copy Form.pdf
Sample of Original Form.pdf