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巴生吉胆島Pulau Ketam

巴生吉胆島 Pulau Ketam
巴生吉胆島 Pulau Ketam
巴生吉胆島 Pulau Ketam
巴生吉胆島 Pulau Ketam
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吉胆岛,又称 ‘螃蟹岛’。历史记载它原是荒芜人烟的弹丸小岛,红木丛生的沼泽地带,亦是盛产螃蟹之地,后来被三位来自吧生港口海南村的先贤所发现而落足定居在岛上。
Pulau Ketam, literally translated, means "crab island". It is a small island located off the coast of Klang. Long time ago, Pulau Ketam was desolated, Small Island full of "Mangrove Swamps" and famous for its crabs.

这里大多数居民都以捕鱼、虾、蟹为生,大约九十巴仙以上是华裔同胞,以潮州与福建藉贯为主。他们的生活简朴、悠闲、朴素,没有汽车,所以没有城市塞车的痛苦及寻找泊车位的烦恼,只要一辆脚踏车就可走遍整个岛,非常轻松自在! 目前,吉胆岛是我国西海岸的其中一个基本设施齐全的渔村,它除了是吧生谷一带海鲜主要供应商,也是个著名的旅游胜地。它著名的新鲜、便宜海鲜令到许多游客慕名而来。

抵达吧生码头后,乘搭三十分钟左右的大型冷气渡轮到岛上,沿途中您会看到一片片在城市罕见的红树林沼泽景色。接着,转乘快艇环岛参观海上养鱼场。在这里您可看见一个个浮在水上的鱼排,密集且整齐地遍布在海岛中,届时您将见识到养鱼的实况。尔后,带您一探岛上的水上人家生活,我们将看到建筑在沼泽上的市镇,您将会看到许多的招潮蟹懒洋洋地穿梭于沼泽地中,非常得意,它可是吉胆岛的其一特色!再来,前往岛上香火鼎盛的庙宇 - 南天宫及福龙宫参观。南天宫以宏伟的南天门为其景点,而福龙宫以其普陀山为景点,各位可以到庙里进香、拜拜祈福或拍照纪念。

Three Hainan fishermen from Bagan Hainan, Port Klang, were the first to arrive at Pulau Ketam catching crabs for their living. At first, the came and returned to Port Klang daily but later they had decided to stay permanently. The major activities were catching crabs, fishes and prawns. Some of them built sundries shops, and fish dealer shops. Most of the villagers are Chinese, mainly Teochew & Hokkien Group.

Upon arrival in Port Klang Jetty, take a ferry to Pulau Ketam which takes approximately 30 minutes. Pulau Ketam is a fascinating island, full of fishing village sceneries. All buildings are built 3-5 feet from the swampland. During high tide, houses look like "floating on the water" giving a wonderful and romantic feeling. It has a special viewpoint with town city where this island escapes from air pollutions, traffic jams, finding car parking problem etc.

We start off with the fish farm. It is an interesting experience to stand on a real floating farm on water and fun to feed the fish too. Continue to visit the biggest Temple in Pulau Ketam - Nang Thiam Keng Temple and Hock Leng Keng Temple. The temple is beautiful with intricate sculptures and colourful painting.

Seafood is a natural wonder of this isle, and Pulau Ketam is renowned for fresh crabs, prawns and fish. It is indeed a seafood gourmet's paradise! Definitely you won’t miss it as we have arranged a delicious seafood lunch for you. Before leaving the island, you can buy some marine product at local shop. Transfer back to Port Klang